North-South Centre of the Council of Europe seeks Grant Applications for Africa Europe Youth Cooperation Program
The Africa Europe Youth Cooperation Program is an initiative of North-South Centre of the Council of Europe that aims to raise awareness about issues of global interdependence and solidarity in Europe. This program also aims to promote cooperation and human contacts between Europe, the southern Mediterranean and Africa. One of the main objectives of the program is to provide training and capacity building for young people and youth organisations as well as to facilitate policy action on youth in development policies.
North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is currently inviting grant applications for Africa Europe Youth Cooperation Program. This grant allocation, or seed funding, is intended to promote Africa Europe youth exchanges, networking and political participation of nonstate actors. It aims at funding initiatives which provides the possibility for youth leaders, youth workers, experts and trainers to participate in Euro African Youth activities and youth exchanges projects.

Grant Provisions

The grants are of a maximum 2000 € per project/organisation.

Program Activities

  • five sub-regional seminars on youth policies and African youth charter;
  • Africa-Europe training courses for youth organisations, and training opportunities for African Diaspora in Europe;
  • mapping exercise of Africa-Europe youth cooperation/work, leading to the creation of an Africa Europe Youth Cooperation on-line resource centre.
  • providing seed funding for pilot youth NGO exchanges;
  • the establishment of the Africa Europe Youth Platform and institutional follow up, monitoring and implementation with key youth actors from Africa and Europe, and representatives of implementing agencies and institutions of the Africa-Europe youth strategy;
  • African University on Youth and Development.

General Conditions

  • The application should be submitted by a youth organisation, network or nonstate actor at local, national, (sub)regional or international level that is active in promoting Africa Europe youth cooperation.
  • Priority is given to projects presented by organisations coming from Africa and/or from the African Diaspora Living in Europe, and organisations/networks that submit projects which will allocate the grant support for African youth participants in the project and/or participation of African Diaspora in the project.
  • The participants in the project benefiting from the grant should be under 35 years of age.
  • Innovative projects with an experimental approach are encouraged to apply.
  • Projects that respond to the thematic priorities, such as: youth rights; youth participation; climate change, food security and youth entrepreneurship would be priorities in this call.

Eligibility of Expenses

The following costs are eligible for the grant:
  • International travel
  • Local transport
  • Board and lodging
  • Visa expenses
  • Fees for experts (i.e. trainers, facilitators, speakers, etc)
The organisation which receives a seed funding grant will be notified at the latest 4 weeks after submission of project description and will thereafter sign an Administrative Arrangement with the North-South Centre for the execution of the financial support. Two (2) months after the implementation of the project (end of eligible period) the beneficiary must submit a narrative (of the results and main outcomes of the project) and financial report of the project to the NSC.
Last date for submitting the applications is January 29, 2012.
For more information, visit this link

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